Oh! You know how I said my worst enemy is the mailperson? Well, the mailperson is at it again.
Whenever we get packages too large for the mailbox, the mailperson leaves them by the garage. And not off to the side, but just a little in front of the door so that you have to get OUT of the car, get the package, get back IN the car and then park. Oh no, couldn’t lay them a little to the side so that I could pull in and THEN get the package. No, no no.
Well, I was standing up by the front door last night, because we keep the sewing machine next to it. No one uses the front door. People come in through the garage. This is because to GET to the front door you have to park right in front of the garage and walk all the way around on this little sidewalk. Well, I say “on” the sidewalk, actually it’s more “next” to the sidewalk, because the front bushes are HUGE. Plus there’s bees. Lots and lots of bees. Walking to the front door is not a fun thing.
So anyway, I was standing there when I happened to glance out and notice a package sitting on the front porch.
I go out there and yes, that stupid mailperson has put a package on the front porch. I guess maybe they put it there so that it wouldn’t get rained on so much, but they put it RIGHT where the overhang ends, so that it was soaked anyway. I’m amazed I found it. No one checks the front porch.
dumb mailperson.